Wow, I don't know how to explain our day!! It was pure bliss. We went to a local gas station that has blessed us tremendously this year which I may share in another upcoming blog and took a coloring book and box of crayons for one of the employees at that gas station to take home to her little boy.
We paid a visit to a couple from our church. And left them with a few items. We then went to the children's floor at the Saint Joseph Hospital and asked if they had any children in the hospital. They said they had 1 little girl. We asked if it would be okay if we went in and gave her a coloring book that we had made and a box of crayons and a small Winnie the Pooh puzzle. They went and asked the parents but the little girl was sleeping. So we just gave it to the nurse to give to them with a note that said,"Blessings to You!Hope this will brighten your day!Have A Blessed Day~God Bless~ The 4 Musketeers." My children were rather disappointed cause they wanted to give it to her but they understood. As we walked back down the hall their was a family walking in and we handed the 2 older children a coloring book and a box of crayons in hopes it would help entertain them. Another girl was sitting in the lab waiting area. So the children gave her a coloring book and crayons.
We also went to the vending machines and taped a little baggy filled with $1.25 in each and taped it to the pop machine with a note like the above posted with it!
While at the hospital I met a surgeon who had put over 100 stitches in my right leg back in 1994. It was good to chat with him a bit... We also had the opportunity to chat with a dear lady that was/is Chaplin at the hospital for several years. She gave us some ideas for further days!!!
We then headed over to the hospital on the other side of town. We went to the childrens floor but they had no children in at this time. My children were begging to go to another hospital were their would be more children. Really wish we could of but we weren't prepared for that. Maybe another time!
We then headed to a friends place and dropped off a box of paper plates. We didn't want them to see us but right as I was getting to the door the lady was just headed out the door to talk with a neighbor so I just handed the box to her and we were on our way again.
Around here Subway has a special for the month of December that you can get a couple of the 6" subs for $2.00. I told the children we'd go eat at the Subway where my sister worked but it would half to be the $2 subs. They agreed and we had fun. When we went to leave another couple was walking out after us. They had a little boy and were parked right beside us. So we let them put the little boy in the carseat and then handed the mother a coloring book and a box of crayons with a note.
We then dropped have a Christmas present to a dear lady who helps me out with babysitting every once in awhile. Then on to my Aunt's place to wish her a happy birthday!
We then came home and watched a Christmas movie!! The children really enjoyed it just wish we could of done more so we hope to in the future!! Tomorrow (or rather today) we want to go sing Christmas carols at my Grandma's.
These coloring books were special to us cause they were pictures that my husband drew for our children in 2011 and for Christmas that year I made them each a coloring book. I have saved the original photo and we make tons of copies when the children want to color. They love it! The crayons I had gotten during the go back to school sales so I only paid 25 cents or less per box.
We were very blessed and look forward to the next project!! God's Blessings to each of you!! Merry Christmas and A happy New Year!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Life & Christmas
Life has a way of happening weather you choose to move with it or try to lag behind or stay hidden. This week has been a rather trying week but God has proven faithful! I felt like giving up and dragging my feet but God sent a friend to encourage me and help me move on. I wanted to hide but God sent me the most wonderful husband who knows me even over the phone. And who gives me advice to help me come out and not stay hidden! God also sent many friends and my husband to show me I need to keep moving. Life don't stop until our time on earth is finished! What have I done for others during my Life? Life isn't about me but about JESUS & then others and then myself last! Do I always remember that? "No!" Do I wish I did? "Yes!" I'm thankful God doesn't give up on me!! As long as I have breath I want to Praise God and keep him first in my life!! Life...What are you giving Jesus with your life? It's that time of year again where we give and get and are BLESSED!!! What will you give JESUS this Christmas???
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
25 Days of Giving/Blessing...
Yes, I realize its been a long time since i've blogged. My apologies. I have decided that since were in the month of November then we should be very grateful! The Christmas season is here and its alomost upon us. Isn't Christmas a time to give and to bless others??? So I've made my own group and its called 25 Days of Giving/Blessing....Hope you will join me in this challenge!!
The challenge:
The challenge:
25 days of Giving is a challenge I have set up that each day in December starting on the first going until Christmas Day I challenge you to give something or bless someone in some sort of it be with just a note or card or leaving enough money taped to a pop machine for some one else or buy someone a drink or meal or babysit and give the parents a night out or leave the mailman a note of thanks....There are so many things that these are just a few ideas....I thought it would be neat if you could get a photo of some of your giving/blessings that you've done or are doing and then you could post it or just tell us how its going for you!!! Hope you all enjoy this!!
Here should be the link that will take you to the group:
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Just wanted to announce the winner of our family cookbook is Dave N Susi Weaver!!! Congratulations!!!! We hope you will enjoy it!!! We also want to thank everyone for participating. If you didn't win the cookbook and you'd like to buy one we do have some still available for sale. Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Favorites from the Gingerich Dozen
This is a cookbook that my family put together! It has the recipes that we used when we owned the Gingerich Bakery. Which was our income after my father had a stroke which left him paralyzed on the right side. It also has many other favorites of our family!! My father passed away February 7th, 2010. This cookbook is dedicated or in memory of our dad! The money we make on these cookbooks go to help support our mother! Hope you enjoy this!! This is my first giveaway so well see how it goes! Enjoy!! These cookbooks are selling for $20 and Shipping and handling is $3.50!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, October 12, 2012
Another Birthday...
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Blowing out her 5 candles!! |
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I'm 5!!! She was very happy & excitied!! |
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The Family all ready to celebrate!! |
It's hard to believe that my little girl is already 5! Five years ago we had a beautiful baby girl and we named her Brenda Diane. She is unique and very special! The girl Rachel that we named our daughter Rachel after has a sister Brenda and Moine just liked that name. I decided that it would be ok but I wasn't sure that any of my middle names would go well with it. We ended up choosing Diane. Diane is after the oldest granddaughter of the people I lived with in Mississippi. She was born handicap. She has always had a very special spot in my heart since I met her. Diane is also the middle name of a dear friend!
Brenda is such a big helper! She loves to do dishes & fold laundry. She also loves to be a little helper. She likes to play doll and be a little mommy. And yes she loves to be life of the party too!
On October 4th, Moine even happened to have the day off and got to be home to share her birthday with her. Which was a
The morning of her birthday
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Oinking like a piggy,,,, |
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She had to lick the bowl clean ~ Little Choc. face!! |
Brenda also requested that we each have a candle at our place setting so we did just that too!! I love this girl! Although she always keeps me guessing! Another favorite of hers is Ketchup and she eats it on almost everything. I told Moine I almost filled the heart in with ketchup. I think she actually would of liked it. lol...She is very special!!! And another year older.....
The last photo Michael told Brenda that he wanted to give her a present but didn't have anything to give her that would be special. So if it was ok with her he would just go ahead and comb her hair for her for her birthday present! And he
did just that!!! I'm not sure she was totally thrilled but I think it did make her feel special! Rather Interesting!!
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opps the cake got dropped... |
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And we made it!! The cake is back in the pan! |
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And now well see if I can pick it up and keep it all together. |
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Michael combing Brenda's hair! |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Gingerbread Man...
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
A Special Island
~ God Romancing Me~
I want to share something that was really impressed upon me this weekend. Any body that knows me really well knows that I'm not an early riser and I love to sleep in any chance I get. So it was rather a shock to me as I'm sure it will be to many of you.
Sat. morning at ladies retreat I decided to get up at 6:30 A.M. and shower. I had thought I'd lay back down till breakfast. But I had a very strong pull to go down the waters edge and sit on the dock and talk with God! So, I gathered my Bible & devotional book (Jesus Calling) and headed out the door of the building where we were sleeping.
As I got to the end of the dock the sun started to rise. In the middle of the lake was an island with a house. With the sun starting to come up and the way it started to shine on the water it was just breath taking.
On Friday one of the speakers had talked about God romancing us. While I was out their praying and just enjoying God's beautiful Creation a swan came between me and the island. It started honking or whatever they do. It's beauty was so breathe taking. While it wasn't much longer and I seen off in the distance 2 more swans and they started honking or making whatever sound they make. And as I was watching the 2 swans that were together slowly swam towards the one swan. All of a sudden out of no where these 2 swans made a straight line through the water as they flew to the other swan. I set there and watched the 3 swans until they swam away. There beauty was amazing.
I had to think of the ugly duckling story and how he turned into a beautiful, delicate swan. And then how God took My life even though I was a terrible sinner and with God in my life how He has made me BEAUTIFUL!!! Maybe not outwardly but with God in my heart He has made me beautiful!!!
If you have or will except Christ as your personal Savior You too will be BEAUTIFUL no matter on what your outwards appearance!
I too had to just think how God was romancing me! The beautiful picture God showed me, the island & the swans and just how Awesome Our God is. I truly can not express that time out on the dock. It was truly an experience and an awesome encounter with God that words cannot explain.
I pray you will feel God's presence in a real way and that you will feel him romancing you in some way!!
If you have never had such an experience then ask God for one!! God says, "Ask, and the door will be opened unto you!" And I pray God will give you one of these special moments. And you feel like He is romancing you!!
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One of the Glorious sites I beheld that morning! |
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You can barely see it but their is a house on the island in the middle of the picture! |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Our 5 Stop Mission
Our Outcome From Our Mission
Last night my children and I took part of the challenge that I had challenged ya'll with a few weeks ago. The challenge that was a challenge to myself!
What we done was in the past month when I made our meals I'd always make extra. I'd then take small containers and fill them with some of our main menu from that night. I'd then freeze them.
Last night we took these containers out of the freezer and started our journey! Were very blessed!
Our first stop was at my Grandma's house. We totally surprised her but she was delighted! We visited a bit and they each gave her a hug and a kiss when we went to leave. They loved it. They just didn't like her dog but they loved visiting & surprising Great Grandma!!! I think my Grandma did too.
Our second stop was at an older ladies place. She goes to church with us and she has made dresses for my girls and I. We also surprised her and she instantly got out a small box of toys for the children. They loved it! They also gave her hugs before we left!
Our third stop was at a bachelor's place (a guy from our church) and he was't home but we stuck the food in between the doors. We texted him to let him know and went on our way.
Our fourth stop was at an elderly ladies place in our community (a Grandma to my brother-in-law) and she was absolutely thrilled. We didn't stay there to long as she had a bad cold. She gave each of the children a nutty bar and a mint. They were delighted. They also gave her hugs before we headed out the door! By this time my children were loving it and wondered how many more places we could go too. lol.
Our fifth stop was at an older ladies place. We also go to church with her. She has also sewed a dress for each of my girls. She lives in Flora, Indiana. So we had about a 45 minute drive to her place. I did call right before heading to her place cause I wanted to make sure she would be home. I believe she too was shocked and delighted. We visited for a bit there and the children loved playing with her toys! She gave them each 2 pkgs of gummies and a barn filled with animals to bring home. They all gave her hugs as well. They loved it!
I'm not sure who got the most out of our missions. The ladies we stopped to visit or us surprising them and seeing their eyes light up and big smiles come across their faces! And my children just couldn't believe all the treats they were getting. We all really enjoyed it and hope to do it again just hope to get an earlier start on it!!
My children said, "Mom they must get so lonely!" I told them, "Yes, I'm sure they do!" They replied, "Well, we need to do this more often then!" I replied, "Yes, we do!"
That was our 5 stop mission I wondered if we'd get done last night! If anyone else took up the challenge we'd love to hear about it too!! Have a great week!!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A Blessing~
A Blessing
We awoke yesterday with alot of mixed feelings. Moine needed to run down to his bosses place and sweep out the semi and a few things like that. I needed to run to town and get a few much needed items and stuff for our church campout. Before I left for town Moine and I were just talking how things were starting to get tight again with work getting slower and how we needed to really be careful of each step we made and etc....
We were feeling kinda down and I told Moine that God hasn't failed us yet and has always provided! I said, "Lets not give up hope we know God will provide OUR NEEDS one way or another!" It isn't that were hurting but winters are always tougher for us.
Well my stop was at Meijer and I had already tried to be very careful what my list held. But I went through it one more time marking off another item or 2 that I felt we could really do without. I enjoy shopping but shopping alone with 4 children and trying to run a very tight budget isn't exactly fun to me. One thing I do know though is my children have learned alot about money, couponing, & budgeting!
I had one of the children begging for something and one of the other children leaned over and said,"Just stop! Sorry, but that's not in our budget right now!"
Something amazing and beyond my belief happened to me on this shopping trip! I had done all my shopping and was in line at the checkout. I had put all my stuff up on the belt and was trying to make sure my 4 children didn't get any gum or candy and add it to the pile. When the couple in front of us turned and asked me if I had 2 sets of twins? I replied, "No!" The guy then replied,"While it looks like you have your hands full." I said, "Yes, that I do!" He looked at me and winked and put out his hand and said, "Here we want you to have this!" I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and said, "Are you sure?" He replied,"Yes, with another wink and a smile." I said, "Thank you so much! God bless you! This really means so much to us!" He walked away and his wife and him looked back one more time as they walked away from the register and I again said, "Thanks so much and I pray God will bless you!" They both smiled and walked away!
It's so hard to explain the look on their faces! It was like Jesus shining through them!! I couldn't even wait till I got home. I instantly texted Moine and told him what happened. Moine texted me back what our check was which was a nice surprise also!! We were/are blessed!! We had to take time to thank God for shining through and showing us that yes, we need to just Trust HIM! And to me it was a sign or a reminder that, "Yes, God will provide our every need!"
It was a challenge to me. Can others see Jesus Shining through me? Tonight I feel very overwhelmed, but so blessed!!!
Thank You Jesus!!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
My Challenge to You...
My Challenge to You...
Tonight my heart as done a lot of wondering. My heart has ached for the many who are hurting. For the many who are physically ill and those who are spiritually ill and those who are hurting financially.
And in talking with a friend I realized I hadn't done my part as a friend. As a Believer I hadn't done what God would have done. So I challenge you to think about these questions that I have been tonight.
2. If you were in their shoes what would you want others to do for you?
3. Am I really that busy that I can't take time out of my schedule to brighten someones day at least once a week?
4. Is it really asking to much to spend one night a month with a teenager who is hurting?
5. Is it really that hard to drop a note or card in the mail to someone who is ill or hurting?
6. What about a wife or husband who has lost their spouse;"Have I taken time to take them out for supper alone or just to give them a little get away from the normal everyday things in life??"
7. Or that mother or father who has lost a child have I been there for them in the ways listed above?
8. Have I made a meal for that widow or widower in my community or church or my own grandparents?
9. Have I taken time to visit the elderly?
10. Have I taken time to show those on the mission field how much they truly are appreciated and how thankful I am for all they give up to do God's work?
11. Have I taken time for the young mother who has a lot of little children and looks worn down and weary? How can I help her if I'm willing?
12. Or the mother/father whose spouse has left them to raise the children alone while he goes about his own business? What have I done for them?
13. And what about those children, "What have I done for them? Am I willing to take time?"
14. What about the couple who has no children but one of the spouses end up in the hospital, "Am, I willing to step up and help them where I can?"
15. What about the older single ladies or men living alone? Do I take time to invite thim over for an evening?
16. What about the guy who ran out of gas but no one stops to help? "Am, I willing to be the one to fill his vehicle up with a little bit of gas?"
17. What about taking time to pray for each of the above? When I say, "I'm Praying for you. Do I do it like I mean it and should daily, constantly?"
18. Do I really do all I can? Or do I make tons of excuses why I can't do this or that because its not to my convenience?
19. Most of all do I really show true Love and Care like Christ would???
20. What will I do about it now that God has laid this on my heart or brought it to my attention?
This has brought a challenge to me and I know with a family its not the easiest to do. Trust me I'm right there. I've used that excuse way to often. If possible get them involved! Or with things being tight its hard to do some of the above but sometimes its just a note or a phone call or dedicated prayer & fasting that is needed! I challenge you listen to the Lord, You will be BLESSED!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
A Special Birthday...
A Special Afternoon...
Moine's birthday was Saturday and so I decided for his birthday this year I wanted to do something different but special! I called up my oldest sister and wondered if she'd be willing to watch my children Sunday afternoon. If so I would make the main dish for their lunch.
The children each wanted to give their daddy something special for his birthday. Two of the children gave him a fajita sizzler kit. Another gave him a tortilla warmer.
The other one tried for 2 days or more to decide what she was going to give her daddy. Nothing I suggested was good enough. She'd say, "No, thats not good enough I want something really special; like extra special!!" I named off several things and was just ready to give up when I decided to see if she'd give him a package of skittles. She looked at it and thought then looked at me and then looked at the skittles again. She said,"Yeah, I think this will work cause he likes skittles!"
So I fixed steak fajitas for Moine on Sunday!! As I gave him his steak fajitas his eyes glowed and he got the biggest smile and said,"Where did you get that steak? That is the best I've had in a long time!" I quietly said, "GFS." He replied,"While then you marinated it! And with what?" I told him I used his mom's steak marinade(thanks mom :))! It was really yummy if I must say so myself. Were looking forward to the next time I make the steak fajitas!
We then just enjoyed having the afternoon to ourselves. Getting naps with out waking up to the children fighting and etc.... I met my sister at their church and brought them home about 6:30p.m.! We then enjoyed family time with the children. :)
Monday he had off of work and I again cherished sitting on the front porch swing with Moine and watching the children play. I'm so thankful for such a wonderful, loving husband!! The joy he brings to our lives and how hard he works to provide for the children and I. He is such a blessing to me! I just want to say,"Thank you & I love you dear!"
These times are very special and I will remember them for a long time!! I hope everyone who reads this will take time to do special things together with their spouse alone and then also make special family memories!! God Bless!
The children each wanted to give their daddy something special for his birthday. Two of the children gave him a fajita sizzler kit. Another gave him a tortilla warmer.
The other one tried for 2 days or more to decide what she was going to give her daddy. Nothing I suggested was good enough. She'd say, "No, thats not good enough I want something really special; like extra special!!" I named off several things and was just ready to give up when I decided to see if she'd give him a package of skittles. She looked at it and thought then looked at me and then looked at the skittles again. She said,"Yeah, I think this will work cause he likes skittles!"
So I fixed steak fajitas for Moine on Sunday!! As I gave him his steak fajitas his eyes glowed and he got the biggest smile and said,"Where did you get that steak? That is the best I've had in a long time!" I quietly said, "GFS." He replied,"While then you marinated it! And with what?" I told him I used his mom's steak marinade(thanks mom :))! It was really yummy if I must say so myself. Were looking forward to the next time I make the steak fajitas!
We then just enjoyed having the afternoon to ourselves. Getting naps with out waking up to the children fighting and etc.... I met my sister at their church and brought them home about 6:30p.m.! We then enjoyed family time with the children. :)
Monday he had off of work and I again cherished sitting on the front porch swing with Moine and watching the children play. I'm so thankful for such a wonderful, loving husband!! The joy he brings to our lives and how hard he works to provide for the children and I. He is such a blessing to me! I just want to say,"Thank you & I love you dear!"
These times are very special and I will remember them for a long time!! I hope everyone who reads this will take time to do special things together with their spouse alone and then also make special family memories!! God Bless!
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Moine & I My oldest took these photos of us! |
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My Sweetheart & I |
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Moine enjoying some fajitas later too...I made too much! |
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The steak fajitas...yummy! |
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The children giving daddy presents |
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All excitied cause they could finally give daddy his presents. |
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Some more present unwrapping... Daddy with his girls. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
I wanted to share this for all my dear friends but especially for my dear single friends!! As you will notice I did not write this it is a blog from gracefortheroad! I remember those days of waiting and the struggle it was. Then I started dating and it was the whole waiting again. It was hard! I pray for each individual who reads this that weather your single, dating, engaged or married that each of you will find out who God really is and how special you are to Him! And that God would always be first!! Even before that Prince Charming!! Once married I struggled too. I put my security in my husband not in God!! I'm thankful God is beside me and my security now!! Prayers for each of you in this journey called, "LIFE!"
Posted by gracefortheroad in The Mercy
When I was 16, I got a purity ring.
And when I was 25, I took it off.
I didn’t tell anyone I was doing it — it wasn’t a statement or an emotional thing. I just slipped it off my finger that day and, before tucking it away in a box, ran my finger around the words on the familiar gold band.
“True Love Waits.” Waits.
What’s it “waiting” for, anyway?
I had my reasons for deciding not to wear it anymore. Other people might have other reasons. It’s a graveyard of hearts, this place where single church girls crash into their late 20s and early 30s. Churches see the symptoms. They scramble to reach out to the ever-growing young adult singles crowd who feels alienated by family-oriented services.
But there’s something bigger behind it than that.
Much bigger.
There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore – the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out. Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband. They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait.
And wait they did.
And waited and waited and waited.
Some of them have prayed their whole lives for a husband, and he hasn’t shown up. They’ve heard the advice to “be the woman God made you to be, focus on that, and then the husband will come.” They’ve read “Lady in Waiting,” gotten super involved in church and honed their domestic skills.
And still they wait.
More than a decade ago, a youth leader handed them a photocopied poem in Sunday School written to them from “God” that said, “The reason you don’t have anyone yet is because you’re not fully satisfied in Me. You have to be satisfied with Me and then when you least expect it, I’ll bring you the person I meant for you.”
And the girls see it posted on their bulletin boards from time to time.
“You’re right, God,” they say. “We’re not satisfied in you yet. We will put you first and then you can bring us a husband in your timing.”
But many of them – if they’re honest – will tell you that time has passed, and it’s wrecking their view of God.
If this is who God’s supposed to be, then He’s tragically late.
So some decide to chuck “Lady in Waiting” out the window … and possibly their virginity with it. Church goes next. God might go next, too. If He doesn’t answer these prayers after they’ve held up their end of the bargain, why would He answer any others?
Whether it was the fault of the leaders, the fault of us girls, or both, a tragedy happened back then.
A lot of girls were sold on a deal and not on a Savior.
I had that poem on my bulletin board all through high school – the one where “God” was telling me to fall in love with Him first and then I would be able to fall in love with a husband later.
Who wrote that poem anyway?
Pretty sure it wasn’t God.
When Jesus was here on the earth, the crowds would follow Him because they saw He gave good things. But that’s not what He wanted. He wanted their hearts for Himself. So He would turn to them and say things like, “If you don’t love Me so much that every other relationship in your life looks like hate by comparison, you can’t follow Me.” (Matthew 10:34-39, paraphrase)
That sounds a lot different from the poem.
Christ is the source of everything we need and the giver of all good gifts … but in telling people about Him, it’s possible we’ve sold them on a solution for life’s problems and not life itself.
What if we as girls had learned early on that having Him was everything, not a means to the life we think He would want us to have.
If we had learned we don’t abstain from sex because we’re “waiting.” We abstain because we love Him.
If I’d had on my bulletin board, “Fall in love with Jesus.” That’s it. Bottom line. That’s everything you need to know, to work toward, to put your hope in.
If I’d learned who He is, what He wants, how to give Him everything, not “wait” so that one day I could give my everything to someone else.
If I’d learned that it’s not bad to pray for a husband, but that my greater prayer should be for Him to spend my life as He chooses for His glory.
If we as believers make that our message, things could be drastically different for a lot of girls wondering why the God they think they learned to follow doesn’t compute. It doesn’t necessarily stop the desire for a husband or end all feelings of loneliness, but it does show a God who provides, loves and gives infinite purpose even to our singleness rather than a God who categorically denies some who pray for husbands while seemingly giving freely to others.
It shows that while marriage is good, He is the greater goal.
Don’t think I’ve done this perfectly.
I’d be deceiving you if you thought that. I’ve had relationships where I made major mistakes. I’ve gone through angst-ridden phases where I met with friends to plead together with God to bring us husbands. I’ve planned major life decisions around possibilities.
I lived like I was waiting for something.
And that’s why I slipped off my ring that day. It wasn’t that I wanted to sleep with people – I haven’t. It wasn’t a slap to True Love Waits, or to anyone who wears a purity ring – saving sex for marriage is good and is His design.
I just didn’t want to wait anymore – didn’t want to live like I was waiting on anyone to get here.
I already have Him … and He is everything.
“Follow Christ for His own sake, if you follow Him at all.” – J.C. Ryle
Thursday, September 6, 2012
How may I Help??
What May I do to Help??
This world seems like it is falling apart and seems to fulfilling what the Bible says, will happen in the end times. I look around and it feels like our world is crumbling. It is becoming more and more wicked. Then I stop and think, "What can I do to change or help the situation?"
Looking at the front of a newspaper that was delivered in hopes we'd start buying it my little boy looked up at me and said, "Mom, whats wrong with this little girl?" I replied, "She has cancer!" He instantly got teary eyed and said, "Mom, thats so sad! May we make her a card & go see her to try to make her happy? " I replied, "While we could but I have no address and I don't know where she lives." His quick reply was well what state does she live in?" I replied in Indiana." He quickly informed me that if I really wanted to I could find that address for that little girl. Wow, it hit me like a ton of bricks, "You can do whatever you set your mind too!"
I pondered this off and on through the day and I had to think if I were not so selfish and if I really cared more about others then I did myself and if I really wanted too, "How much can I change this world if I truely really want too?"
I sign off with a challenge and it is for me as while, "How much can you change the world? How willing are you to try?"
I pondered this off and on through the day and I had to think if I were not so selfish and if I really cared more about others then I did myself and if I really wanted too, "How much can I change this world if I truely really want too?"
I sign off with a challenge and it is for me as while, "How much can you change the world? How willing are you to try?"
As I wrote this blog a song kept coming to me and i just wanted to share the words with you.
Go Light Your World
There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings a fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle without a flame
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Cause We are a family whose hearts are blazing
So let's raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
There is a Spirit who brings a fire
Ignites a candle and makes His home
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Frustrated brother, see how he's tried to
Light his own candle some other way
See now your sister, she's been robbed and lied to
Still holds a candle without a flame
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
Cause We are a family whose hearts are blazing
So let's raise our candles and light up the sky
Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus
Make us a beacon in darkest times
So Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Carry your candle, run to the darkness
Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn
Hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world
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