Wednesday, November 14, 2012

25 Days of Giving/Blessing...

    Yes, I realize its been a long time since i've blogged. My apologies. I have decided that since were in the month of November then we should be very grateful! The Christmas season is here and its alomost upon us. Isn't Christmas a time to give and to bless others??? So I've made my own group and its called 25 Days of Giving/Blessing....Hope you will join me in this challenge!!     

The challenge:

25 days of Giving is a challenge I have set up that each day in December starting on the first going until Christmas Day I challenge you to give something or bless someone in some sort of it be with just a note or card or leaving enough money taped to a pop machine for some one else or buy someone a drink or meal or babysit and give the parents a night out or leave the mailman a note of thanks....There are so many things that these are just a few ideas....I thought it would be neat if you could get a photo of some of your giving/blessings that you've done or are doing and then you could post it or just tell us how its going for you!!! Hope you all enjoy this!!
Here should be the link that will take you to the group: