Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wow!! We had Fun!!

        Wow, I don't know how to explain our day!!  It was pure bliss.  We went to a local gas station that has blessed us tremendously this year which I may share in another upcoming blog and took a coloring book and box of crayons for one of the employees at that gas station to take home to her little boy.
  We paid a visit to a couple from our church. And left them with a few items. We then went to the children's floor at the Saint Joseph Hospital and asked if they had any children in the hospital. They said they had 1 little girl. We asked if it would be okay if we went in and gave her a coloring book that we had made and a box of crayons and a small Winnie the Pooh puzzle. They went and asked the parents but the little girl was sleeping. So we just gave it to the nurse to give to them with a note that said,"Blessings to You!Hope this will brighten your day!Have A Blessed Day~God Bless~ The 4 Musketeers." My children were rather disappointed cause they wanted to give it to her but they understood. As we walked back down the hall their was a family walking in and we handed the 2 older children a coloring book and a box of crayons in hopes it would help entertain them. Another girl was sitting in the lab waiting area. So the children gave her a coloring book and crayons.  
   We also went to the vending machines and taped a little baggy filled with $1.25 in each and taped it to the pop machine with a note like the above posted with it!
    While at the hospital I met a surgeon who had put over 100 stitches in my right leg back in 1994. It was good to chat with him a bit... We also had the opportunity to chat with a dear lady that was/is Chaplin at the hospital for several years. She gave us some ideas for further days!!!  
   We then headed over to the hospital on the other side of town. We went to the childrens floor but they had no children in at this time. My children were begging to go to another hospital were their would be more children. Really wish we could of but we weren't prepared for that. Maybe another time!  
   We then headed to a friends place and dropped off a box of paper plates. We didn't want them to see us but right as I was getting to the door the lady was just headed out the door to talk with a neighbor so I just handed the box to her and we were on our way again.
    Around here Subway has a special for the month of December that you can get a couple of the 6" subs for $2.00.  I told the children we'd go eat at the Subway where my sister worked but it would half to be the $2 subs. They agreed and we had fun. When we went to leave another couple was walking out after us. They had a little boy and were parked right beside us. So we let them put the little boy in the carseat and then handed the mother a coloring book and a box of crayons with a note.
   We then dropped have a Christmas present to a dear lady who helps me out with babysitting every once in awhile. Then on to my Aunt's place to wish her a happy birthday! 
   We then came home and watched a Christmas movie!!  The children really enjoyed it just wish we could of done more so we hope to in the future!!  Tomorrow (or rather today) we want to go sing Christmas carols at my Grandma's. 
    These coloring books were special to us cause they were pictures that my husband drew for our children in 2011 and for Christmas that year I made them each a coloring book. I have saved the original photo and we make tons of copies when the children want to color. They love it! The crayons I had gotten during the go back to school sales so I only paid 25 cents or less per box.
     We were very blessed and look forward to the next project!!  God's Blessings to each of you!!  Merry Christmas and A happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Life & Christmas

    Life has a way of happening weather you choose to move with it or try to lag behind or stay hidden.  This week has been a rather trying week but God has proven faithful!  I felt like giving up and dragging my feet but God sent a friend to encourage me and help me move on. I wanted to hide but God sent me the most wonderful husband who knows me even over the phone. And who gives me advice to help me come out and not stay hidden! God also sent many friends and my husband to show me I need to keep moving. Life don't stop until our time on earth is finished! What have I done for others during my Life?  Life isn't about me but about JESUS & then others and then myself last! Do I always remember that? "No!" Do I wish I did? "Yes!"  I'm thankful God doesn't give up on me!!  As long as I have breath I want to Praise God and keep him first in my life!!  Life...What are you giving Jesus with your life?  It's that time of year again where we give and get and are BLESSED!!!  What will you give JESUS this Christmas???