Rachel's Burn Sept. 4, 2008
I know this is old but I have had it laying on my heart to share. So here it is for whatever its worth!
On September 4th, 2008 I got up early and made my husband breakfast. He was trucking at the time and had to be leaving early. It was about 5:30a.m.. I might also add here that not quite a month before I had given birth to my youngest son, Myron (on August 7th.)
Moine went out to start his semi and said he'd be back in to grab his coffee and egg sandwich. I don't remember all the details but I do remember my 3 year old daughter, Rachel (almost 4) loved to get up to see her daddy off to work then she'd go back to bed with me. Where we were living at the time it had a cutting board attached to my counter top. I didn't think Rachel could reach it so I pulled it out and after I poured Moine's coffee into his coffee mug for the road I went to put the coffee pot down.
Rachel had seen me several times meet Moine when he came through the door I'd hand him his stuff. So in those few seconds; Rachel decided she wanted to do the same. Now I can't remember if I had the lid on but open or if I hadn't gotten the lid on yet I just can't remember but anyway Rachel grabbed the coffee mug to give to her daddy and literally spilled the whole mug of hot coffee on top of her. I grabbed her and ran to the the bathroom and threw her in the tub screaming for Elona (my sister~in~law who was there helping me since I had just had a baby and was to be leaving in a few days.)
I grabbed Rachel's nightgown and threw it off and turned the shower on cold water and just sprayed her down. What 3 year old likes to be sprayed with cold water at those early hours? So shes crying and screaming and i'm a mess. Thankfully Elona was really quick and flew down the steps and I told her to please run out and get Moine. Moine came flying in .I wanted to go to the ER immediately. I was scared!
Elona (my sil) highly recommended that we see if the Amish store which was close by (a mile and a half away from us) had any burdock leaves and B& W Ointment. I'll be right up front here. I didn't want to go that route. I was worried that if this ointment didn't work that I'd lose my children and etc...etc.... Elona said she had heard a lot of good about this ointment and burn units were even starting to allow it to be used there for a study. Moine felt like we should give it a try because that way we could all be together as a family. Elona agreed that if we went with the ointment she would stay longer and do the dressing changes every 12 hours for me. I thought I was going crazy agreeing to use this ointment.
I finally agreed that I'd give it a try for 24 hours. If there was no improvement then I wanted to go the medical route. While I was very impressed! I wish I would of got photos before we done the first dressing but I was to much of a wreck and Rachel was in too much pain. I'm going to include photos as proof of what God and this ointment done for our daughter!
I would encourage everyone to use this if they get burned!
If you don't have access to the B & W Ointment I can give you the info where you can buy this. But you can also use just plain honey if you don't have the B&W. I pray you never need it but I do keep this B&W ointment on hand at all times now!
This was 24 hours after it happened!
It was already dressed twice!
Yes, those are blisters on her stomach.
The burn on her arm was a 3rd degree burn.
This is 24 hours later also.
Her stomach and chest were considered 2nd degree burns.
Her chin and side were considered 1st degree burns.
24 hours after it happened.
Moine was beside Rachel the whole time while,
Elona redressed it. She was very brave!
In fact braver then me!
She is covered with the B&W ointment
and then burdock leaves then wrapped
in gauze and then wrapped with an ace bandage.
This is now a week later after the accident.
September 11th, 2008
It was looking so much better!
A week later also...Sept. 11th, 2008
Also on Sept. 11th...The rash was from the burdock
leaves. So we ended up boiling grape leaves and using them
until we ran out. We then went with Romaine lettuce leaves.
Rachel's back a week after the burn accident.
It looked so good we quit putting B&W ointment
on her back and and chin and started using self healing cream
on it. but the rest we still used the B&W ointment.
Rachel so happy and waiting to get rewrapped.
As you can see I'm holding Myron who is a little over a month old.
She was a very happy child through it all. The second day she was up
and riding her tricycle around the house. Very bubbly to think she was
burned so bad.
September 14th about a week and a half after the burn accident.
Looking wonderful! We started putting the self healing cream on
all the burns except for the 3rd degree on her arm.
We still did dressing changes with the ointment on that.
Her back a week and a half after the accident.
Rachel showing off how good her burns were looking!
We Praise God for His healing!
A month from the accident! Oct. 4th, 2008
You could barely see where the burn was anymore
so I outlined where the burn was with blue ink!
A month later!
A month later and you couldn't even
tell where she was burned.
Approx. the end of October 2008.
You could barely make out the pink lines
of the burn except for her arm we were still treating
with the self healing cream.
She looked good. I couldn't believe it!
Today you would never know except for one tiny scar where she had her 3rd degree burn on her arm and you can't hardly tell that either. It was quite the journey but God was and still is faithful. Like I said at the beginning I did NOT want to go this route but I have thanked God many times that Elona was here and knew about this stuff! Elona stayed for a couple more weeks and helped out with the dressing changes. It was a very hard time for me. But I praise God for carrying me/us through this valley where we learned so much and grew! Still Praising God!!