Our Trucking Show Weekend
A busy week. It was suppose to be vacation all week long when all of a sudden one of their
bigger customers decides he has work to keep Moine busy all week long and the boss man
had already left for his weeks vacation. My husband being the wonderful man that he is worked
from Monday till Thursday night after 8pm and then washed the truck and trailer.
While I was waiting on Moine to come home my oldest son, Michael fell and busted his
chin open. After much debating and a call to Moine we decided to super glue it shut. We did just
that. I wasn't sure how it was going to all turn out when we first got back but today it looked
really nice. We were/are very blessed!!
Thanks to my dear sister Crystal for watching the children so I could go with Moine for the
weekend!! And also thanks to Lynetta for doing an unexpected fill in on Sat. morning
(babysitting for a few hours!)
This was the weekend for The Trucking Show in Louiville, KY! So after he got cleaned up
we started out. I drove all night. We got to our motel at 4am. By this time I was like man this is
so crazy. We got checked in and got settled in our room. We took a nice long nap and then had
breakfast and enjoyed the rest of the show until 6pm that night. It's alot of working but I enjoy
it cause Moine takes time to explain how things work and answer any questions this uneducated
truckers wife might have! Moine treated me to Olive Garden for supper that night! T'was very special!
We were very tired so we went back to the motel and crashed. Well that is after we moved all our
stuff to another motel room thanks to room service then we CRASHED!!!
Saturday morning we were up fairly early as we made plans to meet some other Truckers
and their wives. It was so good to meet Kevin & Robin Dotson and their son Ty and also Jim & Anna
Hogan. We met at Lynn's Paradice Cafe thanks to the suggestion from my cousin Brian Gingerich
whos a cop in the area there. This place was quite colorful and had different things set up to take pictures at so we did! Ill share some at the end of the post. ALot of laughter and wonderful memories!! Sweet people!!
We then went to the Trucking show and kept missing dear Melissa Yearly. Hopefully next year
we get meet her as well. After walking around for about 3 hours we were just ready to head home!
We went to Elrados (i think) and enjoyed a wonderful mexican restraunt. After we left there we
went to visit some dear friends. Ryan & Laterra Shetler and their daughter Hannah!! It was so
good to see them again. It had been a couple years. In fact I think the last I had seen them
previous to this was when they came for my dads viewing.
Once we left there we were HOME bound!! It was so good to get home and the kiddos were
so excitied! Its so wonderful to walk in the door and the children run to get hugs and kisses and
to let you know you were missed & you are loved!!
Sunday I woke up sick. So thankful for a wonderful husband who was home and watched the
children so I could rest and get some sleep. That was special. He made me toast and just took
really good care of me. When I finally got up then I let Moine get an hour or so nap.
Monday Moine got the day off and mowed the lawn. We just enjoyed a wonderful day together
as a family. The children absolutely loved the time they could spend with daddy. And got to take
turns riding on the buddy seat while daddy mowed the lawn. Thats always a highligh! In fact
about 3 weeks ago Myron was begging his daddy please can we go mow? His dad said, "Son you
have a long ways to wait for that!" Moine said Monday night, "Wow, I was so wrong look its not
even a month later and our grass was long and I had to mow!"
Tuesday I had to run a few errands and upon our return the children realized our dear kitten
(while it was more a cat) was gone. I had to tell them that someone had hit Mittens and he died.
Poor Myron just stood there and started sobbing his poor little heart out and ran to me and burried
his head in my chest. I felt so bad for the little guy. He loved his kitty and carried it where ever he
could. Anything I asked him his reply was always, "No, my poor poor kitty!"
So today (Wed.) they dug a hole right beside the side walk and told me, "Mom, we want to go
get Mittens we want to bury him right here!" I told them I didn't think right there was a good
idea but maybe out near the field we could.
Never take Your Family for granted You never know what day or hour or time the Lord
will return! Here are a few photos just to give you a sm. glimpse of our weekend!!
Ryan & Laterra & Hannah (sorry its sideways) |
Jim & Anna Hogan (another Trucker & his wife) |
Sweet Baby Hannah Shetler... |
What happens when you've been a
Trucker's Wife for so long...lol |
Kevin & Robin Dotson & Ty
(a fellow trucker & his dear wife & son!) |
And this is what happens when
you've lived in a truck too long! lol |
~Trucker's Wives~ |
The special Mocha drink I got!
sorry its sideways :( |
Carrying out our bags on Friday! We
had 2 bags of info for 2 other guys
and then the company Moine's leased
to gave Moine & I a special bag of goodies
as well. The back pack had bottled water
and snacks so we didn't have to buy
any food while at the show.
I'm Blessed! |
And Brenda with Mittens that kitten
that the children miss so much! |