Myron Kendall Martin
Myron is our 4th child but 2nd son! He is full of energy but when he gets tired he drops off so quick you don't hardly know it. He loves to sing!! And will repeat a song as long as he can until you tell him its time to sing something else.
Myron is 3 years old and when asked how old he is he will always hold up three fingers! Myron tries to keep up with his 3 siblings the best he can. He does a rather good job at it. In fact him and his oldest brother are with in a pound of each other weight wise.
Myron is all boy!! Daddy is his hero! And nothing can beat being with daddy and getting to ride in his semi. Myron loves to ride trike and get as dirty as possible :)! He also loves John Deere!
Myron loves to get in too stuff. If possible daddy's tools and defiantly moms cubbards. He is also a big helper if in the mood he will have all the toys in a room in one big pile in no time. He also loves to carry dead mice out for daddy. Daddy had to inform him that he may never chase mommy when carrying one out but must always go straight outdoors or discipline would be in order! He does a wonderful job and I don't have to do it!!
Myron has a winners smile and loves to squint his eyes at you with delight. I love it. It is just so cute! He is good at trying to get you to not spank him using facial expressions. He loves to laugh and it is rather contagious. Myron also has a bad habit that if he don't get his way he will run to his room to pout. We are working on that being changed. He also is very strong willed. We also call him Mr. Tackle cause he loves to tackle everyone including his Uncles and Aunts.
When its bedtime mommy is still his favorite but any other time It MUST be Dad!!! Myron has learned how to count to 20 and sometimes a bit higher. He knows his ABC's and colors. He also loves markers and likes to marker wherever he can get by with it. Myron also loves to have stories read to him and also loves to pretend like he is reading the! Myron say's, "When I grow up I'm going to be a fireman, policeman and drive an ambulance!" He has quite the fascination with sirens! He plays fireman alot. He told me one day, "Mom, when I'm older your house will burn but Mom, don't worry it will be okay I will be right there to save you and daddy!" We love him! He is such a joy and blessing to us just like the other 3 children that we are blessed to have!
Marker time...and not where it belonged. |
Myron & His HERO |
Brothers...John Deere the best. |
Tryke time. And who will win? |
Storytime with Auntie Estalee! |
One of his many smiles! |
Myron with his cousin Joshua!
Love those smiles!! |
Trying to be just like Daddy! |
Another precious smile! |
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