Moine told me that when he went off the road and went between the 2 poles and the fire-hydrant he hit the one pole which broke his axle which sent him across both lanes of traffic and when he came too he had hit 2 bobcats at a rental place in Haysville, Kansas and knocked their electricity out! Thankfully no one else was involved and the bobcats at the rental place only had scratches. We are so fortunate and blessed!! I'm so thankful my husband is still with us!! I have many blessings to count!!
That day (Wednesday) while they were driving Moine and Marlin were chatting and got to laughing really hard and the next thing Marlin knew Moine's head started to fall to the side. Marlin pushed his head up and started slapping his chest and saying wake up. Moine says, "What ya mean I am awake!" Marlin said, " I seen it all with my own eyes I know exactly what happened! You passed out!" Moine said,"What did I exactly do?" Marlin explained it to him. Wednesday might they stopped for the night in Missouri. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep these nights and I don't think Moine did either. It was hard to talk to him cause I could tell he was struggling and hurting I just wanted to be right there with him. I couldn't though so all I could do was, "TRUST and PRAY!"
After talking to our family doctor they wanted to see him asap.I said, "But he's in Kansas!" The nurse said, "I'd really like him to go to ER but be prepared he may get admitted to the hospital." I said, "No, he won't do that he wants to get home first. So we made a doc appt for Thursday and if we could get there earlier then the appointment they wanted us there asap!" Marlin & Moine met me about a mile from our family doctors office. Thankfully me oldest sister (Lisa) was willing to babysit for the children. Of course I was waiting at the spot we agreeded to meet at probably 45 mins. Yes, I was anxious and could hardly wait! I took Moine straight to the doctor they done blood work & an EKG and told him they want him to see a cardiologist the following week.
On Friday evening Moine passed out on me & the children. Thankfully the children were rather calm. We had just got done eating supper at the table when Moine passed out (had a seizure) on me. I can't explain all the emotions and thoughts and feelings that ran through me. I thank God for helping me & the children to stay calm. I called the nurse line and they instantly put me on line with our family doctor. The doctor told me that I needed to get Moine to ER right away and she'd call ahead to the ER for us. Thankfully my mom (who puts in alot of hours and alot of evenings) happened to be home and so we ran the children to my moms place and I sped to the ER. Yeah, I'll admit it, "I was over speed limit!" We got to ER and here 5 ambulances came in at the same time so we had no choice but to wait. Several hours later we finally got called back. Our family doctor had called and talked to Dr. Ennis in at the ER. after several test the ER doc said that Moine was going to be admitted into the hospital. Was I shocked? No not really. We had hoped he wouldn't be but we did want to get answers and to the bottom of everything.
On the way to the ER as I was speeding along (yes, I admit I was driving rather fast) Moine & I both noticed a church sign that read, "If God brings you to it. He will see you through it!" Wow, just what we needed! Thank you Lord!! On the way home early Saturday morning I noticed the other side of that same sign. It read, "When God closes a door its for our protection. When God opens a door its an invitation!" God knew what I needed that night!
They finally got Moine moved up to his room about 4am Saturday morning. It was a rather sleepless night! Once Moine was all settled and I had a list of a few things he wanted me to bring into him I headed home. Till I got everything to gather and the childrens clothes packed for a couple days it was time to head to my moms to drop off the clothes and cuddle the children a few minutes. They said the doctor comes in early so I wanted to be there when she got there Sat. morn. While the children didnt want me to leave so till I tore away with mixed emotions I finally got to the hospital about 9am Sat. morn. Everyone forgetting that it was the 6th weekend so it would be a differnt neurologist coming in. So I made it!! The neurologist ordered more labs and a few more test to be done Sat. yet so I spent the day the hospital with Moine. Sat. night we had several visitors. As it was our churches couple night out while the youth watched the children. We really enjoyed that! Till that evening though I was so tired and Moine wanted me to go home and get some good rest but honestly I didn't know if I'd be able to make it home. I took an hour nap then headed home about 11p.m.. Moine had encouraged me to go to my moms to sleep for the night and snuggle with the children in hopes that they'd handle me leaving them another day a bit better. It was good for me too.
Sunday morning dawned and after spending time with the children I headed to the hospital. Moine said, "I'm just not feeling right." His whole right side seemed weaker then his left. He was shaving and all of a sudden he had sliva coming out of the right side of his mouth. I instantly afraid it was a stroke just because of a few different things. I could tell something wasn't right. I helped him back to his bed and then called the nurse. They right away called the doc. The doctor said, "Something is definetly wrong but hes not sure what. But that in 2 weeks he would release Moine to start driving." They done a few more test and more blood work. Things just weren't adding up but the neurologist said that if all the test came back clear we could go home yet Sunday night. After a few very unprofessional happenings on the neurologists part I wasn't to happy and neither was my husband. I told the neurologist I just didn't feel like we had enough answers but he assured me that it was probably just senkope. I'm not sure what changed his minds exactly but we ended up spending the night at the hospital yet another night. At 8p.m. that night we had enjoyed a bunch of company off and on all day. My Uncle & Aunt were visiting with us at the time. We were laughing and having a good time when all of a sudden Moine passed out on me. I pushed the call button but no one came so I went out to the nurses station and told them that my husband had passed out on us but had come back too. They apologized and came and took his vitauls. Yes, something was wrong. Thankfully our visiters handled it all really well!
Monday morning dawned and we had a different neurologist!! Praise the Lord! It was an answer to prayer!! The new nurologist seemed to explain things a bit better and definitly was alot more professional! She assured us that it wasn't a stroke. She ordered yet 2 more blood test and another MRI and she said that she hoped to send us home that afternoon yet but to keep our cardiologist appointment for the following day. While no one dismissed us so we decided that we must be staying for the night again. So we got all comfy and about 8p.m. the head nurse came in and said that they were sending us home. So we quickly made a change of plans and got everything packed and ready to go. We had to pick up a script then we went and picked up the children and went home to bed! Neither of us feeling like we really had answers to what the real problem was.
Tuesday afternoon I took Moine to the cardiologist only to find out that they didn't have the test results for his echo back. We had to reschedule for that Thursday. Talk about walking away feeling disappointed; this was one of those times. We both were struggling that afternoon. It did us good to be alone and talk and share our hearts.
Wednesday Moine passed out on me twice! By this time I was pleading and crying with God. Its a good thing I didn't know then how long it would be till we finally got the final diagnoses cause I would of forsure went insane! I'm so thankful God's timing is perfect! It was so hard to watch Moine pass out and know there was really nothing I could do but to Trust God during these spells. I don't think it mattered how many times he passed out on me each time my stomach would start to swirl and I start to pray! I felt like I needed to be strong for Moine so after he went to bed I had a battle with God. Yes, you read right; "I had a battle with God!" I argued why can't the docs just find out what is going on? I can't handle this no more. Why do my children have to witness this? And so much more with many tears!! Neither Moine nor I had slept good since the night of the accident. We'd wake up at 2 or 3 am and talk, cry & pray (all depended on what was on the minds) for an hour or so and then finally we'd fall back to sleep.
Thursday afternoon Moine had an appointment with the cardologist (the appointment that was reacheduled.) Each time Moine passed out I wrote down everything that happened around the times he passed out and how he reacted and so on and so forth. When we went to the appointment I handed the doctor all the papers. The doctor told us it was definietly not heart related. After he looked over the papers that I handed him he told us to hang tight in the office he wanted to call our neurologist. Several minutes passed and he finally returned. Our cardiologist told us that he spoke personally with our neurologist and she wanted Moine to have a 24 hour EEG done. Because it was starting to sound more like seizures. So we left the doctors office and went home to hear from the neurologist office as they were scheduling everything for the 24 hour EEG. This was February 7th. And they couldn't get us in for the 24 hour EEG until Feb. 18th. Moine took it all in stride; I on the other hand was running out of patience and was getting very frusterated. Moine continued to have spells off and on but not as often. Thankfully.
Feb. 18th finally came and Moine went to get ready for his 24 hour EEG and here we found out that they were attaching all the wires to him and he was going back home with me and I'd have him back to the office 24 hours later to have all the wires taken off!
Feb. 19th I took Moine back to have everything taken off. He never passed out on me that I know of but he did alot of sleeping that day. Later we found out that you can actually have a seizure and not even know it and that he was probably having them in his sleep. We watched them download the data from the 24 hour EEG and then went on our way! As you can tell I've had to learn to Trust & Pray alot through this experence in our life!
And thats when the long wait began!! My next blog will be " Waiting, Change, & Blesings!" I'm working on it but it might be a bit till I get it posted! Thanks! Below are photos of the accident and a few others!
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Here you can tell he went between a pole and a fire hydrant. |
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In fact there were 2 poles and he missed the one but hit the 2nd one. |
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More damage to the truck... |
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opps not good... |
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The axle that got hit hard and shoved out of wack. |
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The box was ruined they couldn't even open the doors at the scene and one small dent in the fuel tank. |
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More damage... |
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Flowers from Moine's oldest & youngest sisters! |
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And this is where he landed! He his 2 bobcats at an equipement rental place. And they just received a few scratches and were fine. |
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Moine reanacting how they said the accident happened to the children and I. |
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All wired up and doing his 24 hour EEG! |
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Some more Beautiful flowers from our church family! |
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Moine getting all the wires attached to his head for his 24 hour EEG. |
Hey lady!! It was nice talking with you today! I'm glad your hubby is still alive and I hope yall have got the answers you were looking for!! PRAISE GOD!!! Talk soon. Love ya!
ReplyDeleteYes Praise God for HIs protection! It was good talking to you too. Love ya too