Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Strawberry Jam Day & 4 Muskateers....

Michael taking a stab at cleaning
strawberries with a knife. scary!

My big helper! She did a super job.
I was amazed!
It's done!! Ready to put in the freezer!
The girls processing them. They each
had to push a button.
Enjoying some of the straws with
ice cream and choc. cake.

The straw. jam and getting ready to
add my pectin mix to the
strawberries & sugar.

Filling the jars & conatiners with the
strawberry jam.

Myron had to help too. He is using
one of those orange peelers and trying
to dig the tops off.

I'm flipping through the advertisements and all of a sudden I realized that Meijer had Strawberries for 10 for $10 and get the 11the one free. They were 1 pound containers. Wow, this was an awesome deal! I called Moine discussed this with him and he was in total agreement that with the 4 children and that cheap of a price that it would be best to just go buy a bunch to make strawberry jam this year. I did!  I got 44 lbs of strawberries for $40. I decided to take photos as we progressed but I did miss a few photos that I wish I had but so goes! Over all it was a good day! By the way sorry my boys don't normally run around with out shirts but for whatever reason their shirts were in the dryer and they had none in their drawers.  I also apologize that their not in order. I'm not the smartest when it comes to setting up a blog and I still don't have it figured it out.  The children loved helping me. This was our Strawberry day last week!!  Children will only learn with hands on experience. It wasn't my first pick this day but God gave me the Grace to allow the 4 Muskateers to help in each step one way or another. !! 

The boys processing them. They each
had to push a button as well.
Opps...I made a few bags of
strawberries. And one fell when I was
stacking them in theg freezer

All the strawberries cleaned and
The boys turn to fill the processor
with strawberries.

I then got them processed and ready
to make jam.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Our Love Story ~ Part 5 (The Final Part)

         On Nov.17th, Moine and I were looking at photos albums and at his dad & moms wedding album. And there was a reading there and at the very end of it, it said something about someday and it was underlined. So I just looked over at Moine and said real quietly "Yep someday!"  He thought it was so funny and instantly I wished I would of never opened my mouth. We did alot of talking and then I went off to bed.  I tossed and turned that night and was really restless. I did alot of praying. I had something very heavy on my mind that I felt Moine needed to know before we ever got engaged but I wasn't sure how to start the topic so I prayed that if it was God's will that before Moine ever asked the question that I would already have shared with him what was heavy on my heart.  I finally drifted off to sleep. Unknown to me at the time Moine was also praying!
        Nov. 18th, 2004, We got up and had breakfast with Moine's family at 7:15am. I was impressed Moine helped his mom set the table and empty the dishwasher. I could tell he was trained right :)!  After breakfast Moine and I looked at pictures and then we headed into town. We did a bit of visiting and then Moine took me to The Norweigen Coffee Shop (Noske Nook!)  we had a really good talk. Ya know one of those heart to heart talks. And we shared alot about our families and yes, what I had asked God to open the doors for me to share with Moine did happen and I got to share it with him. It was really an amazing time! We then went home and Moine asked me if I'd like to go out and see the 2~story tree stand back in the woods that him and his dad had built. I was like,"Yeah, I'd love too!" Moine and I walked out to the woods and climbed up into the tree stand. Let me explain how this  tree stand was built. You climb up to the first story and its all open and then you can climb on up to the second floor and the 2nd floor was all enclosed. They had a heater in there so you could sit and play games or sit and talk & stay warm and they had windows all the way around the 2nd floor also so that they could open the window and shoot deer from the 2nd floor as well. We were having another good conversation when all of a sudden Moine said,"Ya know I've been thinking about taking our relationship farther but I'd like to know how you feel about it?" By this time I pretty much knew it was coming and had felt a very strong conformation from God that Moine was the one and whenever he asked it was okay to answer Yes. So my reply to Moine was,"Yes, I'd be ready to take our relationship farther."  Moine looked at me with the most handsome blue eyes and the brightest smile and said,"Well then, Will you marry me?" I replied,"O, Honey Yes!"
        We stayed out there and talked for awhile longer then headed to the house for lunch. We were beaming! We ate lunch with Moine's mother (Evelyn). She made some wonderful taco salads. I think she figured out what took place before we even set down to lunch but we never said a word about it.  We were so excited and could hardly wait to head into town again. He wanted to go buy me an engagement present. He bought me a kitchen aid mixer which i'm still using today. I love it and I think of him each time I use it!! We then went on to Ashland, Wisconsin to the visitors center. We took a tour there and some of the favorites there were The Northern Voices in the theater and walking the board walk together. We then went down to see Lake Superior too. We then went back to Moine's place and changed and conformed Moine's mothers suspicion.   Moine then took me out to Lumberjacks! Its a really neat restaurant and the food is served on china dishes and they use goblets and they have a fireplace lounge where you can  sit and visit if you want too. Its just really nice and cozy.  Moine's good friend's (Bryan & Elaine High) happened to be out on a little night out and happened to be at Lumberjacks so I got to meet them that night along with Moine's Aunt Lavina. We then went to Walmart to get new rook cards and Moine bought me a dozen of red roses as well.  They were beautiful! We then went back to Moine's place and played some golf with the company that was there. Moine and I then excused ourselves ourselves and went upstairs to talk. I tried calling home but got no answer.  We started making plans. Finally got a hold of my parents. My dad said,"Thats no surprise!"  We had another good heart sharing time as well before we separated for the night. It was hard to sleep that night as we were all so excited! 
          At this point is when it got really hard to stay hands free like we had agreeded  to do.
I will be honest for the next day we struggled. We both did. Yes, we held hands quite a bit that next day. Moine's mother asked him that afternoon how it was going and his parents encouraged him to stay strong. I was personally battling with in my heart and Moine was as well. That night as we were getting ready to go our separate ways Moine said,"Before we go our separate ways tonight I want to apologize for over~stepping our bounds." We apologized to each other and prayed and asked God to forgive us and to give us strength to continue in the way that we had agreeded on. In saying that I want to add we still struggled but not like we did those first 2 days after being engaged.  I'm sure to some of you this seems far out but it was how we felt and it was how we were convicted to do it. If I had it to do over again "Yes, I'd still do it the same way!"  
          I can't remember for sure but i believe it was Nov. 23rd when Moine and I packed up the car and headed to Kokomo, Indiana (to my home.)  On the way home we made calls to friends that we wanted to tell our special news too which included Moine's sister (Evangeline) from Oregon.  We also called my parents again and told them we'd like to take them out for supper one night while Moine was around as this was only the 2nd time that Moine had come to visit. We ended up taking my parents to Golden Corral and had a wonderful time. I should add here that on our way home we stopped in Chicago where MacDonalds is in the middle of the toll roads for a bathroom break as the weather was getting kinda bad. I was in this long line and a lady and I start to talk and this lady asked me if I knew what the weather was like towards Kokomo. My reply was, "My sister said its Kissling (for those that don't know kissling is Dutch for hailing.)"  The lady looked at me really weird and said, "Uh, What?" I then realized what I had done and tried to correct myself. Yes, I still get alot of ribbing about this one too!
After this I'm not sure what all happened and I will try to recall it the best I can as I quit taking notes or even journaling. I guess I got to carried away with wedding plans.  
           Nov. 28th Moine had to head back home. Now this was the first time I really had to leave him cause if you recall the first time he visited was also the first time I ever met him and so it wasn't near the struggle that I had this time. We both struggled. It was so hard even though we knew in a couple weeks Moine would come back for my dad's side Christmas get~together. 
          We did lots of talking. Many phone calls and late nights and alot of texting as well. One week Moine's cell bill was over $600 and my was higher then normal but not near that bad so Moine told me its just time to get married. :)
         December 17, 2004 Moine came back to visit and to take in the Christmas gatherings.  We had a wonderful time. I then packed up and took all my wedding plan stuff with me and left with Moine and went back to Wisconsin with him. I was there for 2 weeks. These 2 weeks included Christmas and New Years. 
        The beginning of January 2005 found Moine moving to Kokomo, Indiana! Moine had a trailer and packed everything inside there that he could and pulled it to Indiana with his truck while I followed him in his car. We had hand held radios so that we could communicate back and forth. Neighbors of mine had a place that was 2 miles from my parents place and so  Moine and I made arrangements so that Moine could live there until we got married and then we'd continue living there once we got married. Moine came to my parents place almost every night for supper and we worked on wedding plans most nights. 
        The weekend before our wedding my bridesmaid (Vylene) brought the bus to Indiana and we picked her up and then my sisters and my mom went out for supper and then most of us ended up at a motel for the night. And had one last fling. We went swimming and laughed and had a good time.
        Feb. 14th finally came. Moine took me out to Great Wall (a Chinese restaurant) for supper. The full busy week had begun. Moine's sister (Evangeline) and her family from Oregon arrived so on Feb. 17th Moine's family was all around and wanted to go out for supper together. We went to Ryans. It was good to get to know his family a bit better before the wedding but I hadn't felt good all week. We asked our photographer (Delisa) if she would be willing to take photo of Moine & I on Friday afternoon so we didn't have so many to do Saturday. It was awful and I wouldn't wish anyone to be sick during this time. We managed to get it all decorated and all set up.
         Febrary 19th, 2005  finally came! The day I had longed and dreamed for. I married my best friend! We shared our first kiss on this day as well!! And I wouldn't trade it!!  And here we are 7 years later. Alot has happened in those 7 years and maybe I'll share more anther day!    
         Here is a photo of that tree stand that Moine and his dad built and where Moine purposed to me at.       THE END!!!         

Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Love Story ~ Part 4

    It was Sept. 30th., 2004 I remember I was in the Bakery making 300 or so apple dumplings with my sister when my first call came. I was a nervous wreck. Would we hit it off?  I just didn't know what to think. I used the cordless phone so that I could go out in the garage and talk on the phone to be away from everyone (Is that even possible?) well it held a bunch of interruptions for me but out of the noise of the oven.  My dad had a golf cart that he drove around and it was parked in the garage and so I set on that for most of our conversation! Minus the first 10-15 minutes that I paced the garage. Before I knew it time had flown by and I had been on the phone with Moine for over an hour that first phone call. Actually i think it was more like an hour and half.  Moine wondered if he could come meet my family and I on October 15th. I agreeded that it would be okay.
     Four days later (Oct. 4th) I received my second phone call from Moine. He wasn't a bigger writer so he preferred calling but he did still send me mail :). On Oct. 6th I received my first text message!  Was I ever grateful for texting!!  Six days later (Oct. 10th) I got my 3rd phone call from Moine. I hoped we'd hit it off as while in person as we did on the phone. Oct. 13th I got my 2nd text  message. By this time I was anxious to meet this guy whom I had been communicating with but yet scared to death to see him face to face. 
      The day finally arrived I was to meet this guy that i had been communicating with and never met before. We had planned that when Moine got about 45 mins away that my parents would take me to meet him and we'd have lunch together. While, I was waiting for him to call to say where he was so we could meet him I started preparing supper. As it was a tradition in our family that when our boyfriends came to meet the family the first time that we as the girlfriend were responsible to make the food for that meal. Moine finally called, he decided to come earlier. He was excited and anxious as well and decided to just come early. My mom was busy working so we could not go meet him so he just drove straight to the house.  I was giving him directions how to get to our place. Our neighbors had, had a yellow house for as long as I can remember well just that past summer they put new siding on and changed the color to grey. I forgot that they had changed the siding so I told him that we were the house right after the bright yellow house that's real close to the road.  He finally put together that he was sure that's where I lived. I still don't live that one down either. He was right it wasn't yellow anymore. I felt real small when I realized what I had done. He likes to tease me that I still didn't want him to find me.  My stomach knotted as I heard the knock on the door and seen him standing at the door. I swallowed hard and went to welcome him in.  He said, I'll take you out for lunch and then we can come back and finish up supper. I told him I wasn't really hungry and he said he wasn't either so we decided to just go to Taco Bell for lunch. 
        I need to add in here that this poor guy had to bring his mom and dads van to come visit me as they asked him if he'd pick up a new mattress about 2 hours from where I lived and bring it back for them. Okay, so my family thought this was the funniest thing that he brought a van the first time he came to see me and that he had a mattress in the back of it. Yes, he got razzed pretty good. I felt bad. Let me insert here that even though it wasn't his first pick it showed me that he was looking out for his parents and he didn't always have to have his way. It spoke volumes to me even though my family razzed him. Moine handled it very well.
        Once we were done eating we did some visiting. When we got home I started to finish up supper. I don't remember what all I made for supper that night but I do remember that I had marinaded chicken& grilled it and then put sour creme & creme of mushroom soup in the bottom of the pan and wrapped the chicken with bacon and put some more of the sour creme mixter on top then cover in cheese. I don't remember what all happened but I do remember that my food ran over and it smoked up the house and made the fire alarms go off. I was horrified. My mom, told me to just turn off the oven and take the food to the oven in the Bakery. I was so embarrassed but went about trying to get the smoke out and getting the food to the other oven. As I walked out the door I just wanted to cry my eyes out. This was to be an awesome meal with no mess ups. All of a sudden I realized Moine is right behind me with the second dish of food for the oven so now I couldn't cry my eyes out. I just wanted to dig a hole and fall under the house.  Moine was so kind though and tried to be so comforting. Moine said, "Its okay, it will all work out. Don't feel bad! It will still be good!"  I still wanted the floor to open up and swallow me!  It did turn out okay. It was just humiliating but good for me! 
        October 16th, 2004 I woke up and realized that Moine was already at our house. He was early! He was sitting out in the living room talking with my dad and reading the paper. I was so embarrassed but hey he was way early. I quickly got dressed and went and made breakfast. I made biscuits & gravy. As we were eating I found out why he was so early. The poor guy couldn't sleep cause he was too cold. I think he was too excited too but he said he was freezing. Moine had spent the night at my sister & brother-in-laws place (Marcus & Lisa's) and thought he froze. Poor guy! So if you come to visit and your single trust me he will make sure you have plenty of blankets!  We did alot of talking and did some visiting. Tonight was the night that he was taking me on the first real date! He took me to Texas Rhodehouse but the wait was 2 and a half hours long so we decided that we'd just go to Pizza Hut. We had a wonderful time!  When we got home & walked through the door my dear sisters (Marlene, Anita, Crystal & Roxann) had fixed up a neat little table with cheesecakes, mints & a few other snacks & strawberry daquires & candles and flowers. They also had soft music playing.  It was very special! Once we were done we cleaned up our stuff and went and set on the counch and talked for awhile. He left around midnight and went to my sisters place for the night again. 
         October 17th, I got up early this time and was ready! Moine came for breakfast which was cinnamon rolls & coffee. Played some pool and then he left to go get ready for church. Our church was cancelled due to most everyone going to a wedding for a couple from our youth group (Kenny & Genny Graber.)  So we decided to go to the Dunkard Brethren Church. Then home for lunch. Now I have to insert here that as were eating lunch my brother (LaVern) says to Moine, "Now you  know I was adopted!" Moine's  reply to LaVern was, "So how many of these were adopted with you?"  No one ever seemed to be able to come back at LaVern and leave him speechless but Moine did just that. LaVern wasn't sure what to say. We all had a great laugh!  I knew right then that he would fit right in! 
          A conformation I had asked God for was that I would not have to ask Moine what his dating standards were but that he would start the conversation and also that we would both feel like a hands free relationship was best for us.  In the afternoon Moine asked if I'd like to go on a walk. I said, "Sure!" As we started out he said, "Rhoda, I'd like to talk about dating standards a bit. I feel like a hands free relationship is what God is asking of us but I'd like to hear your thoughts and feelings!" I said, "Well, thats a conformation! Yes, I feel very strong that it should be a hands free relationship.  I never dreamed how hard it would be to have a hands~free relationship but also never dreamed how rewarding it would be!
         I knew from that time on that he was the one and that I would marry him someday! How did I know I don't know it was just so real and such a conformation from God I just felt it so strong. We set in the living room andd talked with my parents before he left. He didn't want to leave. I didn't want him to leave but yet I did cause I needed to be able to think about everything and pray!  He left about 5pm that night and had to drive all the way home (Hayward, Wisconsin) and had to work Mon. morning. I talked to Moine around 9:30pm that night for awhile. And then again at 1:30am. At the end of one of the conversations he said, "I Love You!" I was speechless and shocked.  I don't think I even replied except that I told him by!  
         After that the phone calls were almost every night and texting was often! Moine finally asked me if I'd fly out to meet his family. He'd send me the money for the plane ticket and would pick me up at the airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota and then he'd bring me back home to Kokomo so he could be with our family for Thanksgiving! I was able to get a plane ticket flying out November 16th,2004!  It was a whole month since we first met and we were anxious to get to see each other again! I was nervous about meeting his family but I was so ready to see him again!  My dad told me before I flew to Wisconsin that I'd come back engaged. I was like whatever dad! He said, "No, I'm serious!" I said, "Okay, we'll see!"  
 STAY TUNED for part 5......(Sorry it was too long to finish up today.) 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Our Love Story ~ Part 3

     About 5 minutes later the post master returned! She handed me an envelope and said, "Is this what you wanted?"  I looked at her in shock and replied, "Yes, thank you so so much!" and I flew out the door! As I sped down the road I tore the letter to shreds and let it fly out the window as I drove down the road a little here and a little there (yeah, I littered :( I just didn't want anyone to find that letter.)  I went home and I tried to go about my day but I was a wreck. I finally composed my first letter. I finally got the letter sent out on Sept. 8th, 2004 (which is his birthday by the way). Till he received the letter in the mail it was 3 weeks from when I got my letter. I had absolutely no contact with him or his parents during this time. And I had informed some of my family that if I heard from either of them before he got my letter that it would all be over. Yes, I know 3 weeks is an awful long time especially when its something like this. You also have to realize that I had never met this guy or seen him ever and I was considering dating him and possible marriage. It was no lite matter to me. Moine informed me later that it was the longest 3 weeks of his life. And that some had tried to get him to call me but he said, "He'd give that girl as long as it took!"   I don't know what all that poor guy faced during those 3 weeks but I can tell you he was PRAYING!  As I think his family was as well.
     In my letter I wasn't the easiest on him either. I'll admit it right up front. I'm going to share a few of the questions that I asked in my first letter and I know to some of you it won't make sense. Well to be honest he wasn't sure how to take all of them either and he wasn't sure what he was getting himself into.  As Moine and I have talked about this letter several times since he does see where I was coming from and totally understands now but I did really throw the poor guy for a loop at first.  Here are some of the questions:  1. Was it your choice for your dad to call my father and I or was it your dad's choice? 2. What kind of music do you like or listen too?  3. What kind of reading material do you read?  4. Do you prefer name clothing or is that not a big deal to you?  5. How do you feel spiritually speaking (like your growing or at a stand still or slowly sliding backwards?)    I then told him a bit about myself and my family and told him he could reply whenever he felt led. So in a sense I still did not give him a complete yes or no!  
      It didn't take him long to reply and I'm told he had a bit of a quicker step after he got the first letter and a bit of a brighter smile. His letter was dated for the 13th of Sept. so I believe he answered me the night he got my letter. And his return letter was post marked Sept. 14th, 2004.  I want to add here that he did take full responsibility for his dad coming to visit me at Camp Chippewa and also for calling my dad!!  
     Yeah, I know I made him wait awhile already while I didn't return a letter until Sept. 22nd,  as I was in Mississippi for a dear friends wedding.  When I got home I did write him another letter telling him that he was free to call me if he would like too. But since we had never met that my parents and I would like if he'd come visit so my family and I could meet him. But i told him as to when that was up to him, but to please let me know first.  I also included a photo of me in this second letter. Okay, I have to be honest here. I included a photo but lets just say it was not a good photo of me and defiantly not up to date.  I decided if this photo scared him off it was not to be. Yeah, he still teases me about that.  Moine told me that his parents reassured him that I didn't look like that, that I was much better. Poor guy, I know!   I was really curious if I'd hear from him again and if so would he call or write??   
   STAY TUNED for Part 4......

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Love Story ~ Part 2

     I made it home safe and sound! I was enjoying being Home. While, for the most part. Ya know how you have to readjust  and get use to change but it was good. 
    August 19th, 2004 I was on the phone talking with a friend when the caller ID showed that it was Emerson Martin. I wondered who in the world that could be but I just kept talking to my friend. It wasn't till later that night I was talking to my good friend (Becky from Camp) and she wondered if anything more had happened and I said, "No, although this weird number and name came across caller ID tonight. So I told her that it said, 'Emerson Martin!'"  Becky said, "Rhoda that was Mikes real name I'm sure of it."  Ok so I went into panick attack. I was glad I kept talking with my friend earlier in the day.
    They didn't give up that easily though. On August 20th, yep the very next morning the school children just left for school when the phone rang. It was just my dad and I home. I went to answer the phone and my heart started pounding. I answered the phone and knew instantly that it was Mike that I had stopped in at the Camp. He talked to me a bit then asked if he could talk with my dad. I said, "Sure!"  By this time I was a bundle of mixed emotions. My father very rarely talked on the phone but he was that morning. Then I heard him giving out our snail mail address (and for those that don't know my father was paralyzed from a stroke when I was 10 and it also affected his speech and sometimes he knew what he wanted to say but it would come out different then he wanted) and he was giving him our old address. He was looking at me like is that right and I was fighting with in if I should help him or just let whatever it was get sent to the wrong place. While, I felt bad for my dad so I told him the correct address. My father talks a bit longer then hangs up. I said, "Dad, what did he want?" He said,"While his son wants to write you and wondered if it would be ok?" I said, "And you agreeded?" He got the biggest grin on his face and said, "Yeah, how else would you get to know his son?"  
      At this time I went through alot of emotions. I couldn't understand why the father was calling my dad instead of the son who was supposedly interested in me.  It was later explained to me that it was because they knew that my father didn't talk on the phone often and they decided it might be better if Mike called my dad since they had met before and sorta knew who each other was.  Anyhow, I still didn't know that and I was trying to decide if their son really wanted it or if the parents did only.  Since, my father gave him permission to write me I decided I'd wait and see what the letter held before I worried to much but it was sure hard. I did alot of praying and not much eating.
       On Aug. 25th I received my first letter from Elmoine (Moine)! Okay, so I was ever thankful I was home when the mail man went that day. But was I ever so shocked when I went out to get the mail and not only was this letter in the mail box but also another envelope stating that there wasn't enough postage on that specific envelope to please leave 60cents the following day. I should maybe include here that the envelope was one of those 4x6 brown bubble envelopes.  My thoughts raced again, "Is this a sign from God that I am not to except this guys friendship?"  I hadn't even opened the letter yet and my mind was spinning.  I should add here that Moine told me later that he figured if it wasn't enough postage it would be returned as that was still the normal procedure at that time. he soon realized that wasn't so.  I open the letter with the biggest butterflies fluttering inside my stomach. I pull out 3 photos along with the letter. Now I know I'm strange at times but I was like what photos already??  I was just really starting to question alot of things. My dad was the only one home so I took it to him as he knew right away when I flew to my bedroom and shut the door that I had received the letter.  I showed him the photos and gave him the letter and was going off about how I exactly felt about all this and my dad looks at me and says,"I think hes a nice looking, handsome man!  You'll never know until you try."   
       My mother on the other hand was alot more hesitant about the whole thing. I myself was still really torn. I made some phone calls to Bemidgi, Minnesota where I had helped out in the Kitchen at Camp Chippewa. I had plans on going back out to Minnesota to help at Family FOCUS on Aug. 29th. I was to help teach one of the children's classes which, I was thoroughly looking forward too.  On Aug. 28th one of the youth guys were found and he had already passed away. i was so torn do I stay home now or do I still go so that I don't leave the others short handed on teachers. Besides I was really looking forward to going and I'd be driving to Arthur, Illinois and meet up with some wonderful friends there and go on with them to FOCUS.  So that is what I did I went to Focus although I struggled to keep my mind where it needed to be and the head cook from Camp Chippewa was now cooking for us at FOCUS. She couldn't understand why I wasn't eating much and I wouldn't say a word.  
       Moine thought about coming to Focus but since he hadn't heard back from me yet he decided he didn't want to make it awkward or ruin anything so he decided to just stay home!         
 I spent a good hour or more talking with a dear lady & friend (Krystal Yoder) who gave me some good advice and I went off to pray some more. Right, I knew this guy must be getting pretty antsy I mean I got the letter on the 25th and till I got home from Focus it was the beginning of September. I still felt like I needed a bit more of a comformation so I talked with some dear friends (who were like mentors to me while I lived in Mississippi) who I felt would give me some great insite as well.  After talking for quite awhile my friends (Phillip & Mary Ellen Knepp) agreeded theyd make a phone call and see what they could find out for me. In the mean time my mom seemed to question it all quite a bit (but what mom wouldn't, right?) although my dad seemed to be all for it. I finally decided that Moine had waited long enough even though I hadn't heard back from Phillips (Yes, I was trying to get ahead of God. To my shame.) but I went ahead and wrote a letter got it all ready stamped and all and that night I headed to Michigan to meet some friends. On my way I dropped the letter off at the post office.  I got home like real early the next morning (about 3 or 4am) and I was so tired that I fell to sleep in the car. About 7am my phone rings and it was Phillip Knepp calling. We talked for a good bit and he encouraged me to give the young man a chance. He had talked to Moine's neighbor and he also would of been a pastor at the church where Moine would of went at one point.  I was shocked and I was like what am I going to do now? Why didn't I wait?  What was another day?  So I didn't even go into the house I flew out the drive and went straight to the post office where I had mailed the letter. I went up to the desk and told the clerk where and what time I mailed my letter the night before and would there be anyway that I could get that letter back right now before it even got mailed out?  I knew my chances were slim but I was praying.  She said, "Give me a bit and I'll go see what I can find out!"    Stay tuned for part~3.....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Love Story ~ Part 1

    Ya know how sometimes you just have this feeling that you shouldn't do something but yet you really want to?  While, that's how it started for me. I was teaching school in Goshen, Indiana and they had asked me to return as a teacher the following year.  I loved teaching there and I so bad wanted to teach another year and as bad as I wanted to I still couldn't find a peace about doing what I wanted to do but neither could I figure out why I shouldn't either. I finally said, "No, but if they couldn't find a teacher 2 weeks before school starting Id reconsider."
     That summer (June 5th~2004) I moved out to Bemidgi, Minnesota for the summer (this was my second summer there) to help cook at a boys camp. I decided that i was going to go out just a bit earlier so i could spend time with the many friends that I made at the church we attended on Sundays (Kitchi Pines) so I happened to be there for the Sunday that they had their church camp-out (June 6th). While there was this couple there sitting with Bob & Doris (a couple from the Kitchi Church) well I had Bob's grandaughter and had just taken her back to her mom and I then headed through the potluck line. While this couple followed me. They said, they heard that I was from Indiana and that they use to live there. So we talked briefly and when they heard that my dad use to milk cows before he had a stroke we figured out that this man was a salesman and briefly knew my dad. Their youngest daughter was along and her and Judi were sitting under a tree talking and it wasnt long until a bunch of us girls joined the circle.That afternoon I had to move on over to the Cabin where we stayed while cooking at the camp.
      July 30th this couple (Mike & Evelyn Martin) came back to visit and it just so happened that they knew the head cook at the boys camp where I was helping to cook at.  While, I was kind of known as the cake decorator. If one of the boys had a birthday id make a cake and decorate it. Mary Kiley (the head cook) had asked me to make sure some other things got started for supper that night well she ran to her sisters place or maybe it was to town. I'm busy working on this cake and all of a sudden this couple steps into the kitchen. They had come back to visit. They knew the head cook and wanted to stop in to see her (or thats what they said!)  I told them she would be back but it would be a bit and they were welcome to wait or come back.  Well they kept talking to me and asking me many questions. I was starting to feel really uneasy.
They wondered if I was dating? I said, "Nope!" They asked me if I'd stop in at their place in Hayward, WI on my way home. I dont remember what I said but I do remember thinking, "Are they crazy their is no way I'm stopping there!"  They told me that they have a son that's my age and they'd like for us to meet. And they gave me his number and their 1~800 number.  I tried to be polite but um I was a wreak in my head. Honestly I don't remember what I said. I'm not sure I want to know (lol.)
      A dear friend (and co-worker) Becky walked in near the end of the conversation. She is also from Indiana but from the Goshen area. I was so glad to see her!! I was also glad that they started talking to her and gave me a few minutes to quickly cry out to God. Becky could tell by my face that I was flustered and distraught. We had youth that night but we did some quick clean up and I called my mom. I was a mess. I talked with Becky for a long time that night. Till I went to bed I hid the card that they had given me with the phone numbers and decided Id get rid of it and just forget this ever happened. Although I talked with a few of my close friends and tried to find out as much info on this couple and their son that they told me about just in case something more would happen.
      While on July 31st It was my last day at Camp Chippewa working in the kitchen.  I wanted to spend a couple days with a good friend (Bess) before heading home for a wedding so this was the day I moved over to her place.
       August 4th, 2004 I headed home to Kokomo, Indiana and made NO stops in Hayward!  I was going HOME!!! I still had that card so I could show my parents but I wasn't going to make NO PHONE CALLS!!      I'll add here When you think you know whats best while leave it to God...He will show you WHAT IS BEST even if you don't think so!!!            Stay tuned for part 2 of our love story....  


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prayer Is The Answer...

Prayer is the answer to every problem in life. It puts us in tune with divine wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly. So often we do not pray in certain situations because from our stand point the outlook is hopeless. But nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied. No human relation is too strained for God to bring about reconciliation and understanding. No habit is so deep rooted that it cannot be overcome. No one is so weak that he cannot be strong. No one is so ill that that he cannot be healed. No mind is so dull that it cannot be made brilliant. Whatever we need or desire, if we trust God, he will supply it. If anything is causing worry and anxiety, let us stop rehearsing the difficulty and trust God for healing, love, and power.          R. & H.  October 7, 1865