Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Challenge...

I asked for peace and quiet...
I asked for some alone time...
I asked for time when I wouldn't be so tired that I could just sit and pray...
I asked for the help to get me away from my computer...
I wined I complained and then I was given all that I asked for!

I wined snow...I  don't want it!
No Internet...How will I make it through the night?
No electric...How will I feed the children?
Which means NO heat! What are you kidding me?
I don't want my children to freeze.

God gave me what I asked for:
Put my computer away by no Internet service.
The electric was out by 5:30pm and it was dark
and the children were all in bed and asleep by 7:30pm
Which gave me much time to have alone time!!
It was very quiet and peaceful!!
And I had tons of time to pray!!
What more could I do anyway so why not pray?

I so dislike when my children wine so why should I??
This has been my challenge today!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Children's Chitter Chatter

This house is bustling with excitement!  This is the talk I hear between my children...
Yeah! It's snowing that means we will get to go to Grandpa Martin's for Christmas today!! 
Mom, can we please go outside and touch the snow? 
The snow is sticking to the ground.
We need gloves.  No we need mittens!
Wow, that snow is falling fast!
A chorus of song, "We wish you a Merry Christmas!"
Real worried children all of a sudden cause daddy isn't here...
We have to pray for daddy! Praying for daddy's safety.
One runs away secretly to pray in the bathroom! 
O let's go make snow angels.
I don't know how.
Yes, you do just like this (and lays on floor and shows by example)!
O, yes that's right I do know how! Let's go outside!
We can go make a snowman!
Winter is finally here!
Hey guys, look its all snowy over here.
The ground is all covered over here. Let's go check the next window!
Can we go outside? Please!
When we get alot of snow today then we can put on the plow.
No, mom doesn't know how to put the plow on.
Yes, she does cause I'm going to help her. That way my hands get get all greasy. Excited giggle!
Mom, can we go put the plow on?
Look guys there is so much snow outside!
Momma, do you want snow?
Momma, do you like snow?
Well, if not you should cause it's so much fun!
Wow, what alot of chitter chatter! 
I love my 4 little Muskateers!  They are such a joy!

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Wonderful Aunt or Is she??

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and loved having Auntie Estalee here to enjoy it with us!
Auntie was a wonderful help and even watched the children so I could run Moine to meet his boss on Friday!
Aunt Crystal asked Aunt Estalee if she wanted to go along to Kohls. I was glad to see Estalee go along as I felt she needed a break. As the children were holding her reigns quite tight. The children sure didn't like the sound of Auntie leaving. We told them she'll be back but they still weren't very happy with Aunt Crystal.
As Auntie Estalee walks out the door my youngest is broken hearted. Crying buckets of tears. His daddy wonders what is wrong. And Myron takes off crying the whole time. He ran out trying to catch up with his aunts. While before he could get outside they were gone, but he thought they were still their cause Estalee's car was still there. So sock footed and all he waks through the mud to Auntie's car and starts crying for auntie.
Moine scoops him up and finally gets him to calm down but hes still not very happy.
Myron did start playing and all of a sudden he seen Auntie's luggage still in the bedroom where she was sleeping and came running out of the room saying, "She forgot all her stuff mommy!"
The it hit me, Myron thought auntie Estalee was leaving for good not just for a couple hours!"
So I did some more explaining and we had a rather delighted 3 year old boy!!!  They all love their Auntie Estalee so much and miss her so much!!

Children and Our day

 Awaken at 7am by a boy being potty trained! I think we might be arriving to the end of that stage :)!
All the other children awaken 10 minutes later.
And so the day begins.
After getting dressed for the day I walk downstairs to find my living room already tore apart with a house of blankets invading!
A boy in the bathroom filling a new container of sidewalk chalk with water (the chalk was still in it) that a dear friend had just sent the children.
The 2 oldest get started on school. The dri-gas man comes so I go to the basement to lite the pilot. Walk back up to see couch cushions made into fields for tractors which the school boy was dreaming of while trying to do school.
I go to the bathroom and walk out to find my daughter putting mashed potatoes all over the wall. About ready to discipline the second child when the first child pipes up, "Mom, I'm the only one that did it I promise! He was just cleaning it off!  What the world??
My laptop is turned on (which the children aren't suppose to touch unless given permission) and they're logged on.
Milk gets spilled on the table.
School papers get scattered.
 Tractor gets thrown.
Discipline session!
Took a break from school and everyone is taking naps!!!
I'm getting clothes packed as my dear husband will make his appearance one more time before he heads out for the week and I didn't get them packed yesterday!  And he wasn't feeling the best.
So now that leads me on to what shall I make for supper and as soon as the children awake we need to finish school. Hoping for a better afternoon.!  That's are day so far folks!!  Hope yours is better!!
But were thankful for the rough days so the good days seem so wonderful!