Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sad but Thankful

   This is my heart today!!
   Sad because some precious people lost their baby to a miscarriage. She was 11 weeks along. But praying for another friend who has lost her precious son. And is expecting again!
   Sad because a dear friend (Della Kohen) from Mississippi just found out she has cancer. Sad for my sister-in-law (Elona who teaches in Richland Center, WI) and her church whos pastor (Dale Kulp) died last night from stage 4 cancer. And sad for my sister-in-law that was already on her way to Oregon to decorate a wedding cake.
But so thankful and happy that my youngest sister-in-law (Estalee) is now 5 years cancer FREE!!!
   Sad that we had to miss Moine's cousins (Andy & Derelle) wedding in Oregon. Sad that we had to miss the Mid-American TRucking Show in Louisville, KY and being with friends. But absolutely thankful to still have a husband!!
   Sad for a dear friend who has been having hip and back issues now for 10 months and is in so much pain and can't enjoy her 5 precious children like she wants and they want. But I'm very thankful for my good health!
  Sad for a dear friend whos children have been sick so much and they can't figure out why. Sad for a family whos 9 year old boy (i think) is dying of cancer. And they've done all they can for him but yet he's so happy and has a really good attitude about it.Please pray for the Brovant Family. But so thankful for 4 healthy viberant children!!
   Sad because a dear friend whose anniversary would of been yesterday didn't have another chance to celebrate another year with her husband. And their children couldn't help them celebrate because their dad has gone to a far better place. But so thankful that I was able to celebrate another anniversary in Feb. when my dear husband could have been taken as well.
   And as I was thinking these things I picked up my book called,"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. On March 20th it said,
   "THANK ME FOR THE GLORIOUS GIFT OF MY SPIRIT. This is like priming the pump of a well. As you bring Me the sacrifice of thanksgiving, regardless of your feelings, My Spirit is able to work more freely within you. This produces more thankfulness and more freedom, until you are overflowing with gratitude.
   I shower blessings on you daily, but sometimes you don't perceive them. When your mind is stuck on a negative focus, you see neither Me nor My gifts. In faith, thank Me for whatever is preoccupying your mind. This will clear the blockage so that you can find Me." The verses they had to read were; "2 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 3:17; and Psalm 50:14." 
    Wow, what a challenge to me today! Just what I needed! I was reminded I need to thank God, regardless how I feel. Have you thanked God today?  Hope you have a great day!!

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